Ramallah Doc supports the realization of new documentary film projects that present a different or more authentic perspective of the Palestinian reality, away from the stereotypical images that the world keeps “consuming” or anticipating. It will pursue to tackle the various challenges facing cultural action in general, especially in light of the limited production resources and structures.
Ramallah Doc seeks to:
- Encourage the younger generations to engage in this cinematic practice
- Promote experimentation in documentary film making
- Develop new and creative production and circulation mechanisms away from the dominant production structures and display platforms
- Stimulate collective action and building partnerships, cooperation, and solidarity between participants in the production process
- Provide learning and capacity building opportunities for documentary filmmakers, especially the younger ones, to enable them to acquire new tools and skills
Ramallah Doc partners invite Palestinian documentary film regardless of their place of residence, especially those interested in enhancing their cinematic activity, to apply to participate in the activities of Ramallah Doc. This will be concluded with a final pitching session that will take place during the “Palestine Cinema Days Festival” in Ramallah, where participants will have the chance to present and pitch their projects before a group of commissioned documentary film producers, editors, and practitioners.
Learning and Capacity Building:
A number of selected applicants are invited to participate in the Ramallah Doc Forum, where a series of meetings, workshops, and trainings are held to enable them to acquire new skills and knowledge. This will help them develop their documentary projects, increase production opportunities, and deepen their involvement in the field of documentary film production.
Projects can be submitted at any stage of production.
Previous Participants
- Lina Soualem - Bye Bye Tiberias
- Vivien Sansour - Bizreh
- Muhannad Yaqoubi - Area See