Empowering Storytellers is an intensive summer film production camp targeting documentary filmmakers, producers, and editors. The camp aimed to create opportunities for both Palestinian and Danish filmmakers to develop ways of cooperation between them and tell the Palestinian narrative from their own perspective. The camp included educational workshops on filmmaking to inspire participants and develop their awareness of film culture in general, and Palestine in particular.
This workshop took the style of a film production camp that consisted of 6 directors, and 6 producers from Denmark and Palestine. The purpose of the camp was to create possibilities for Danish and Palestinian filmmakers to develop cooperation and Palestinian stories.
This camp was in cooperation with Aarhus Film Workshop.
Previous Participants
- Nadeen Alshaer
- Anan Alnatsheh
- Saliba Rishmawi
- Mohammed Dasuqi
- Elias Rizek
- Abdel Rahman Albanna
- Malak Takruri
- Hafez Asakra
- Maylasoon Abu Qassem
- Mohammed Harb
- Amer Nasser
- Walaa Saada
- Omar Zeindein
- Mamoun Abufarha
- Haneen Odetallah
"Empowering Storytelling Workshop was a great turn in my filmmaking life, for the first time I was able to produce a full balanced story from both perspectives, Palestinian and Danish (international). Matilda (my danish partner) and me had long discussions, went to many places and met many people, we tried our best to stick to what we learned during the first week and we did it! We produced a film which sparked controversy when it was screened in Denmark." Elia Ghorbiah, producer.